Please, see my article, there is a dove a friend of mine did to Ukraine, and I wrote several poems:
I am not claiming I understand your pain, neither I have the solution, it is a hard situation. We may have a third war if it depends on Putin. I do not want to convince you of anything, neither I want to be right; there is no right or wrong, just pain. I am replying to respect your pain. I am sharing with you my values, not canned solutions to complex humanitarian problems 😎🤣😂.
Example, saw on Twitter that Ukrainian forces captured a Russian soldier. I thought: imagine if they were able to forgive and let him go, like Mandela did. They wanted to kill him, as far as I understood. I am not making a moralist judgement, just imagine what would happen if we could forgive, and let the anger goes.
See what Kasparov said, on my article, Ukraine is fighting for the world! And I do agree with him; Finland is afraid, and I do not blame them: after what Putin is doing to Ukraine, I am too. Putin seems mad, unreliable.
Of course, mabybe I am leaving in a cocoon, hoping that forgiveness will save the world. Maybe if I were an Ukrainian, I would feel the same you are feeling now: it is easy to talk about the pain of somebody else, and I am not trying to intellectualize your pain, it is yours.
“the attempt to victimize the Russians looks strange against the backdrop of what is happening now.”
Thanks for letting me know what you heard me saying. I am a nonviolent communication student, we do not focus on blaming. The Russians, or Putin, as I prefer, have their needs and feeling. They may have attacked out of fear. Do you believe that Ukranians are different? I do not. I feel that if they had the power to destroy Russia now, they would. See, they are not different. Now take that and applies to Russians: they are most likely afraid, attacking out of fear of being cornered say by NATO; please, try to think without blaming or enemies, I know it is hard.
My point is: they are humans, let’s focus on their human side, similar to me and you.
I share the viewpoint of Marshall Rosenberg: we cannot build a better world if we keep doing the same as our predecessor. I may be wrong, but the way you talk, are you sure you different from Putin? It seems to me that our act as humans are not anchored on solid values, but circunstance, i.e., who has the biggest weapon.
“Little child dry your crying eyes
How can I explain the fear you feel inside
’Cause you were born into this evil world
Where man is killing man and no one knows just why
What have we become just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build againWhen the children cry let them know we tried
’Cause when the children sing then the new world begins”
White Lion, see on my blog
“anger [different from other feelings/emotion] is created by thinking of the wrongness of others. it takes us away from our needs to blame and punish others” Marshall Rosenberg
As Marshall Rosenberg once answered, adapting:
how can we handle people like Putin?
avoiding those people to have power! Avoiding to arrive to this situation.